BDI Research and development activities

Research and development activities are fundamental for us in order to continue setting standards in special plant construction with our own technologies. Therefore, we invest a significant proportion of our annual turnover in future-oriented research and development (R&D).

For many years, we have successfully cooperated with external institutes and universities in the basic research phase, so that we can rely on their analytical and experimental support.

An important basic requirement for the risk-free industrial implementation of research results is their validation in our own testing facility. We are a renowned specialist for the scale-up of process concepts, from laboratory tests to industrial plants. Through competent support in contract research, customers benefit from our expertise in project development.


As a globally recognized technology leader in the field of Multi-Feedstock BioDiesel plants, we have been proving our pioneering role in practice for years.

In the BioFuels research area, we focus on both the processing of by-products and waste materials from industry and meeting the constantly increasing quality requirements for BioDiesel.

In parallel, we are continuously optimizing existing processes in order to significantly strengthen our customers' market position by improving efficiency in production.


The potential of algae as a renewable source for the production of high-quality products for the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industry has encouraged us to develop a completely new process for algae cultivation. Thanks to special photobioreactors, the process is independent of climatic conditions and environmental influences and can therefore be used throughout the year with a consistently high production output. This process development has resulted in a spin-off company, BDI-BioLife Science GmbH.

Biomass-to-Liquid (BtL)

bioCRACK, an innovative, patented process for obtaining a second-generation biofuel, enables refineries to achieve a biogenic content of up to 20 percent in standard-compliant diesel fuel. This result is achieved by the simultaneous processing of a refinery by-product and solid biomass (e.g. straw, waste wood, etc.).

research activities