BDI - BioEnergy International AG starts the new year with another RetroFit order from the USA
The Austrian plant manufacturer BDI – BioEnergy International AG expands its presence in the American market with the optimization of an additional BioDiesel plant.
- Modernization of an existing U.S. plant
After the successful completion of a project in California, BDI – BioEnergy International begins 2017 with an additional RetroFit project on the East Coast of the United States at American GreenFuels, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kolmar Americas, Inc.
Kolmar has contracted with BDI to modernize American GreenFuels’ biodiesel plant in New Haven, Connecticut. BDI will supply engineering and important plant components for the project. The aim of BDI’s customized RetroFit solution is to increase production capacity and feedstock flexibility for the utilization of used cooking oil at the facility.
“The modernization of an existing production plant requires the highest technical expertise and know-how,” said Dr. Hermann Stockinger, BDI’s vice president of global sales. “BDI has successfully completed more than forty BioDiesel projects in the past twenty years. With this strong focus on BioDiesel, our experts have come up with an optimized RetroFit after successfully concluding a pre-engineering project. All of us at BDI are looking forward to making this project a success for American GreenFuels.”
About BDI – BioEnergy International AG
BDI – BioEnergy International AG is market and technology leader in the construction of customized BioDiesel plants using the Multi-Feedstock Technology the company has developed itself, which can manufacture BioDiesel from different raw materials, such as Vegetable Oils, Used Cooking Oils and Animal Fats. In the “From Waste to Value” field BDI supplies efficient plant concepts that are designed to produce BioGas from industrial and municipal waste. Together with its subsidiary UIC GmbH, BDI is also active in the field of vacuum distillation. UIC GmbH supplies equipment and components for the gentle distillation of liquid mixtures in both rough and fine vacuum. In the Life Science segment, BDI creates with its fully-owned subsidiary BDI – BioLife Science GmbH new standards in the production of valuable algae-based products. This innovation enables the development of processes and equipment of the production and use of algae biomass.
BDI has specialized in the development of technologies that make optimum use of resources in the industrial processing of by- and waste products ever since it was established in 1996 and owns an extensive patent portfolio that has resulted from its in-house research and development activities. Our range of services includes public authority, basic and detailed engineering, installation and start-up as well as After-Sales support.
BDI – BioEnergy International AG and the companies it consolidates currently have 128 employees.
For further information please contact:
Dr. Edgar Ahn
Member of the Board, CSO
BDI – BioEnergy International AG
Parkring 18
A-8074 Raaba-Grambach
Tel: +43 (0) 316 4009 100
Fax: +43 0) 316 4009 110